ogünter krämmer : fotografie - www.heidelberg-fotograf.de - tel+496221400073




dance: dance scene heidelberg mannheim





Here you do not find: unterwegstheater, stadttheater heidelberg, ms-tanzwerk, hip-hop, schools !

Here you find: everybodyelse who was photographed by me when she or he was dancing in heidelberg and in mannheim!

theater felina areal mannheim:  die neue sachlichkeit / tanz puls rythmus metropolis - part 1  
theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta 2024 - 4  
    theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta 2024 - 2  
    theater felina areal mannheim: free dance over female tunes 2024 - part 3  
    theater felina areal mannheim: free dance over female tunes 2024 - part 1  
theater felina areal mannheim: kwaidan 3  
theater felina areal mannheim: kwaidan 1  
    theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta 2023 - 3  
    theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta 2023 - 1  
theater felina areal mannheim: free dance over female tunes 2023 - part 3  
theater felina areal mannheim: seung hwan lee - anibody  
theater felina areal mannheim: luches huddleston jr : judgement day  
  theater felina areal mannheim: E2-E4 - in memoriam manuel göttsching
theater felina areal mannheim: news from our dancefloor 2022  
theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta XI 2022  
theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta XI 2022: 5. abend  
    theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta XI 2022: 3. abend  
    theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta XI 2022: 1. abend  
    theater felina areal mannheim: miriam markl - körper der stadt // version indoor  
    theater felina areal mannheim: free dance over female tunes part2  
miriam markl: autonomy of pleasure // reiss-engelhorn-museen mannheim  
    theater felina areal mannheim: darja reznikova / michael bronczkowski - I am...hannes-michael steven omohundro bronczkowski// show  
    theater felina areal mannheim: dancers in hell - part1 / choreografien zum 700. todestag von dante alighieri  

ballettwerkstatt heidelberg / wiebke hofmann: antonio vivaldi / die vier jahreszeiten / heiliggeistkirche heidelberg

theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta X - 27-6-21  
theater felina areal mannheim: freier tanz im delta X - 19-6-21  
    theater felina areal mannheim: richard oberscheven . rotational distance  
    theater felina areal mannheim 2021: SOLITAIRE SOLIDAIRE II - probenaufnahmen  
    theater felina areal mannheim 2020: TANZT (A)TONAL! - TAKT 2 - PERFORMANCE  
    theater felina areal mannheim 2020: TANZT (A)TONAL!- TAKT1 - PERFORMANCE  
    theater felina areal mannheim 2020: A BOXFUL OF DANCERS -PERFORMANCE  


nina plantefève-castryck

    theater felina areal mannheim & T42dance CH - INOUE & DUMERIL - SWAN@LAKE  
choreografisches zentrum heidelberg / CC-showing: TILLMANN BECKER - BABYLON  
theater felina areal mannheim
FREIER TANZ IM DELTA 2019 - 24-5-19
theater felina areal mannheim

FREIER TANZ IM DELTA 2019 - 19-5-19
theater felina areal mannheim

    FREIER TANZ IM DELTA 2018 - theater felina areal mannheim  
FESTE IM FREIEN 2017 - PART 1 - theater felina areal mannheim  
FESTE IM FREIEN: theater felina areal 2017: sara mitola, ieva ievina, nikoline gervang heimburger, jenna pollack, michael bronczkowski  
    FREIER TANZ IM DELTA 2017 - PART1 - theater felina areal mannheim  
    VANEK & PREUSS - DIE SEHNSUCHT DER MAYBRIT ILLNER - gastspiel im theater felina in mannheim  
    FESTE IM FREIEN - theater felina areal 2016  
    MICHELLE CHEUNG & JULIE PÉCARD - UN/feminine - felina-theater mannheim  
choreografisches centrum heidelberg: cc-showing 3-7-15 - SHUMPEI NEMOTO  
    ENDLESS REFILL/ eric trottier & karel vanek  
    FREIER TANZ IM DELTA 2012/ theater felina areal mannheim  
    DITO/ eric trottier & luches huddleston/ theater felina areal mannheim  
    CANDIDE NACH VOLTAIRE/ marianne früh - die roten flügel/ schwetzinger tanztage 09 - rokokotheater schwetzingen  
8 mann tanz am heidelberger hauptbahnhof
STIMMT DIE RICHTUNG?/ daniela zuffelato & volkhard guist / hauptbahnhof heidelberg
    STRAPS & WHISKY/ anja kolacek u. ini dill/ pfefferberg berlin  
WASH/ tanja rebmann/ halle 02 heidelberg
    nucleodanza / buenos aires / gastspiel karlstorbahnhof heidelberg  
    cie sylvie deluz / montpellier / gastspiel rudolf wild halle eppelheim  
8 mann tanz am karlstorbahnhof/ heidelberg

I have been photographing dance for over thirty years. During this time I was dealing with hundreds of choreographers and companies ( links ). I therefore allow myself to say that over the decades I have learned to distinguish between serious work and the production of hot air. However, this has nothing to do with my work: If I have agreed to photograph a choreography / piece, I will do so to the best of my knowledge and belief.
As is well known, a photo is an object in its own right, to be judged according to its own aesthetic criteria, and not a mere depiction. Additionally, when photographing dance, essential elements of a choreography - the movement in space and time, the presence or absence of music, noises, language - are not accessible to the medium of photography: what is shown in a choreography using the means of dance, has to be translated into another visual language. It can therefore happen that an interesting and innovative choreography is difficult to photograph, but a flat and trivial one very well. So it may not be permissible to draw conclusions about the quality of the photographed choreography from the quality of my pictures.


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