ogünter krämmer : fotografie - www.heidelberg-fotograf.de - tel+496221400073










Wedding photos, more than any other subject, often have to fullfill widely different expectations! Please look at the samples on pages below to see how I deal with the problems!

heidelberg / downtown 2012
mannheim industriehafen / 2011-7-9
heidelberg-rohrbach / 2011-5-7

wedding documentaries 1

neckarsteinach / 2010-6-2
schwetzingen / schlossgarten / 2007-6-9
heidelberg / alte brücke / 2008-8-29
weinheim / grenzhof / 2009-1-30
¡ felicidades ! - hochzeitsgrüße nach lima
hanayome - heidelberg christmas market
yellow press...
fair-ground brides
heidelberg-castle / 2006-8-18 / 19:00-20:00

the japanese bride

heidelberg stift neuburg
schlossgarten schwetzingen
bride and bridesmaid - public transport
the bride in the trees
bride tales
the missing groom
the flying bride
the bride in the water - book

deutsch -
e-mail -
address/ impressum/ agb -